
水 [が/を/の/、] 飲みたい人は... (3)

水 [が/を/の/、] 飲みたい人は... (3)


(1) 水が飲みたい人は、手を挙げてください。
(2) 水を飲みたい人は、手を挙げてください。
(3) 水の飲みたい人は、手を挙げてください。
(4) 水、飲みたい人は、手を挙げてください。

Roughly speaking, the structural difference between (1) and (2) (or (1’) and (2’)) would be like:

(1’’) 水が飲みたい could be analyzed as [水が [飲みたい] ].
(2’’) 水を飲みたい could be diagnosed as [ [水を飲み] たい].

Alternatively put, then,

(1’’) implies a potential question and a possible answer to that: [want to drink…]—what?—[water].

By the same token,

(2’’) suggests an unspoken question and a possible answer to it: [want to do…]—what?—[to drink water].

That is, in (1’’), the portion 水が is in effect the “specification”(措定 そてい)of  [want to drink], whereas in (2’’), the portion 水を is substantially the “object” of  [to drink].

Well, so far, so good, it seems.

Finally, let us turn to (4). What should you do with the remaining issue of its treatment? How could it be analyzed appropriately?

Well, well, we are running out of time again here. So, let us consider the issue tomorrow. Have a good one, buddies!

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